Chiropractic adjustments usually involve a slight thrust that helps add motion to spinal joints, which aren’t moving right. The doctor might use his/ her hands, an instrument, a special table, the force of gravity, or extremely light contacts. There are various ways to adjust the spine, each adapted to an individual’s needs and comfort levels.
Why is chiropractic care so popular?
Chiropractic care is the third largest primary health care profession prevalent in the western world alongside medicine and dentistry. Its universal appeal stems from the fact that it is a natural, non-invasive method of treatment that is proven to be extremely safe and effective. Chiropractic entails a thorough examination not only to locate but also to adjust and reduce disturbances in the nervous system. Chiropractors also recognise the importance of nutrition, exercise, and other lifestyle-related elements on overall health, and will often advise you on these aspects during your care.
What can I expect from an initial consultation?
An initial consultation will involve recording the patient’s entire spinal and medical history, a thorough spinal assessment, as well as orthopedic and neurological examination. This may take 30 to 45 minutes. We endeavor to gather information relating to your chief complaint and your overall health, diet, sleep, and posture, which in turn will assist us in correctly diagnosing the problem and suggesting the best treatment plan.
Why x-rays?
- X-rays are a relatively safe and cost-effective way to view the structure and condition of the spine. They can reveal spinal areas under high stress and expose areas of degenerative change. They provide essential information, which correlates with the patient’s history and examination findings.
- X-rays are also used to make an accurate spinal diagnosis of your complaint for a more personal and effective treatment plan.
- They help rule out the existence of more serious problems such as spinal fractures, tumors, and infections, which require immediate emergency medical intervention.
- If further investigations are required, we are then able to refer you for an MRI or a CT Scan.
Are chiropractors qualified?
Australian chiropractors study at university fulltime for a minimum of five years. These courses are similar to medical courses and focus strongly on anatomy, physiology, pathology, neurology, xrays, biomechanics, and adjustment techniques. Chiropractic courses also require extensive clinical practical hours.
All our chiropractors are registered with the AHPRA (Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency), which requires further learning and training to upgrade and improve their skills, and staying up-to-date with the latest medical research and developments.
Do I have a slipped disc?/ What is a slipped disc?
Between each pair of spinal bones is a disc. Its fibrous outer ring holds in a soft jellylike material, which serves as a ‘ball bearing’ for joint movement. Because of the way a disc attaches to the spinal bones located above and below it, it can’t literally ‘slip’. However, a disc can bulge. It can tear. It can herniate. It can thin. It can dry out. And it can collapse. But it can’t slip.
Is chiropractic care covered by health funds?
Most health funds cover chiropractic care. The GIC clinic has Hicaps claim facilities, so patients simply pay the gap on their consultation. The rebate may vary with different funds and the levels of your extras-cover.
Do I have a pinched nerve?
A pinched nerve is rare. It is more likely that an adjacent spinal bone irritates, stretches, rubs or chafes a nerve. These messages are sent between the brain and the body, and can produce unhealthy alterations to the organs and tissues connected by the affected nerves.
Are chiropractic adjustments safe?
Yes. A New Zealand government study found that adjustments are “remarkably safe”. By avoiding drugs and risky surgery, chiropractic care enjoys an excellent track record. You can compare the statistics; adjustments are safer than taking over-the-counter pain relievers.
What makes the sound during the adjustment?
Lubricating fluids separate the bones of each spinal joint. Some adjustment methods can produce a sound when the gas and fluids in the joint shift. The sound is interesting, but isn’t a guide to the quality or value of the adjustment.
Are all patients adjusted the same way?
No. Each patient’s spine and care plan is unique. With 24 moving bones in the spine (that can each move in seven different directions) we see a wide variety of spinal patterns. A patient’s care is tailored to their age, condition, and health goals. You are unique and your care should be too.
Can I have chiropractic care after back surgery?
Yes. You can rest assured that your chiropractic doctor will avoid the surgically modified areas of your spine. Surgery often causes instability above or below the involved level. These areas will be the focus of your chiropractic care.
Can patients with osteoporosis get chiropractic care?
Of course. When developing a care plan, a chiropractic doctor considers the unique circumstances of each patient. There are many ways to adjust the spine. The method selected will be best suited to your age, size, and health.
How long until I'll feel better?
Some patients experience almost instant relief. For others, it may take weeks or months. Many factors can affect the healing process like, how long have you had your problem? Are you keeping your appointments? Are you getting proper rest, exercise, and nutrition? Do you smoke? Are you in an otherwise good condition? Within a short period, most patients sense enough progress to fully complete their doctor’s recommendations.
How long will I need chiropractic care?
After patients get the relief they want, many choose to continue with some type of periodic care. These patients show up for their visits feeling great. These visits can help support the final stages of healing, and help detect and resolve new problems, if any, before they become serious. Our job is to offer the very best care and you can decide how much of it you want to follow and incorporate into your everyday routine.
Does the clinic look after TAC & work cover claims?
Yes. At Glen Iris Chiropractic we aim to get you back to your full potential as soon as possible. The rehabilitation and treatment plans are designed to get you moving to the best of your ability. The treatmentis safe and gentle but effective.